

Today, I wanted to start the new month, new year featuring myself. I want to share my NYE's resolutions, work/social event calendar along with why I started my blog: DashinglyTurnham.

       Another year has concluded and I am still here, people! Though most try to reflect on the year in December in order to prep for January, I like to do things a little different. I close out the year thankful for my loved ones and health and then come January I sit and reflect on highlights, "lowlights", and goals to conquer.

     One of my highlights of 2017 was seeing my sister marry the man of her dreams on August 12th, 2017. The wedding was held at Perkins Chapel on SMU campus followed by a reception at the historic Adolphus Hotel. In front of the bride and groom's 100 closest family and friends, I decided to say a speech. I wanted my speech to be impactful; letting guest peek into the incredible amount of love I have for both my sister and new brother-in-law. Being center stage was nerve-wracking, but I loved it. Midway through my speech, I cried, something I didn't think I would do. I didn't realize writing your feelings down versus speaking them in public can be dramatically different. Afterwards, everyone congratulated me for writing a beautiful speech  and it's forever on video, which is amazing. I can always look back and replay over and over again this unforgettable memory, As far as "lows" go, I feel like there wasn't anything particular that truly had me upset. I have tried very hard to be the kind of person who understands things don't always go how you want or planned and that's okay. I encourage everyone to be upset or angry if that's what you feel in the moment, but once you're done let it pass and move forward. Perspective plays a huge role in this, remember that.

     There are a couple resolutions I will be focusing on throughout this year. I'd like to push myself for more work/blog/social opportunities and work on being more patient. Next month's calendar will be filled with events, competition and concerts. This year, I'll be competing in the USTA(United States Tennis Association) after sevens years off the tour. I'll be playing in tournaments around Texas and beyond, but my first tournament will be in San Antonio next month. I'm thrilled to be back on tour because I've been playing tennis, since I was six years old. I'll be seeing Dua Lipa for the second time next month, I saw her last year before she was popular. She's a talented singer and I love her unique tune, I can't stop dancing and singing to "Hotter than Hell", "Begging" and "Bad Together". I'll be attending the Love Equality event supporting Equality Texas, which will without a doubt be a hot ticket event in Dallas. I also have a partnership in the works with an app I truly love and couldn't be more thrilled to work with.

    Next month will be my one year anniversary of my blog, DashinglyTurnham. When I first created this blog, I knew I wanted to do something that no blogger was doing. My mission was to not just focus on myself, but also on other people. I wanted to step away from that typical "me, me, me" vibe bloggers are known for an instead make it a collaborative effort, all while making new friends along the way. As a communication major from Canisius College, I pride myself on being a people person and choosing to interview people seemed like the perfect idea. By being the one who asks the bloggers the questions, I felt like I was Oprah in the blogger community.  It has been incredible getting to know my interviewees and showcase their talent as it leads to viewing different fashion perspectives, personalities and more. Additionally, I want to recognize my photographer, Jayare Tillman, for wanting to work with me; together we make a great team. Without his amazing photography skills, my blog wouldn't be where it is today. His talent carefully captures bloggers with great taste and distinction. Thank you Jayare.

    I balance two jobs, play tennis and blog and even though it is a lot of work, I truly love it. I hope you enjoy reading my efforts and content. Let's make 2018 a dashingly beautiful year.

    Stay dashing,

John Paul Turnham


Jacket: Vintage Abercrombie & Fitch

Jeans: AG Jeans

Boots: Johnston & Murphy

Bag : Man Registry

Shades: Dior

Photos were taken by : blink_300m_photography
