DashinglyTurnham x Ron Corning
Today, I'm collaborating with media personality , Ron Corning. As usual, I asked him JP's 3, photographed him & discussed why his outfit makes a fashment.
JP's 3
Question 1: Your resume is pretty impressive; you’ve worked for WFAA as a leading anchor in Dallas for 8 years, you currently star on the podcast, “The Morning After with Alexa” as well as star on the TV show, “Hot on Homes”. With all of those in mind, can you name a time when you felt out of your comfort zone?
“Ron: In the beginning of my career when I was in St.Louis, the Rams were coming to town and they wanted me to cover it from a fan/business perspective. I’m not a sports reporter, so I had to become a quick study to cover it more effectively. It was one of the first valuable lessons; there are going to be uncomfortable moments in this business when you have to step outside your comfort zone. They call it broadcasting for a reason. At the same time, that’s why I love working in this business where you can experience, see and talk to people whom live and work outside your own realm. I got to the point where I realized it’s okay to not know everything about a topic - that’s why I was there, to represent the person on the outside looking in. ”
Question 2: What’s your all time favorite memory?
“Ron: There are so many memories that stay with you, not because they are joyful, but they are just seared in your brain. I remember I was in St. Louis when the Oklahoma City bombing happened in 1995. They sent me to Oklahoma City, but our assignment ended up being in Joplin, Missouri. Possible suspects were held up in a motel there for several days, so all media outlets converged in Joplin. In the end, those suspects had no ties at all to the bombing incident. It was the first time remembering covering something of great national importance. Then there are fun memories like my interview with Jimmy Kimmel. He was moving to the 10:35 time slot in Dallas and invited us out to LA . The interview was in this old theater, so certain areas were blocked off. Jimmy decided to explore everything from the basement to the rafters. We had a great time getting to know each other.”
Question 3: Was there a certain defining moment growing up where you knew that you wanted your career to be in broadcast journalism? If you hadn’t chosen that path, what do you think you would’ve ended up doing?
“Ron: I always knew I wanted to do broadcast journalism, but I grew up in a small, working class town. The idea of being on TV or being a journalist wasn’t something you imagined to be possible. I went to Wheaton College outside Boston, a school with no broadcast or journalism department, and entered the premed program. My mother had suffered a head injury when I was 14, and I spent a lot of time in hospitals. I developed a real interest in medicine, but I still had this dream of becoming a journalist and traveling the country covering news and interesting stories. One day at a college seminar about summer and winter break internship opportunities, the director at the career center told us about a psychology major who was also interested in journalism, so she’d done an internship in DC with Leslie Stahl. Leslie was a graduate of Wheaton and at the time was the host of “Face the Nation.” They talked about their connections in the media, TV or print and immediately a light bulb went off. I thought to myself, “I’m in the place where I need to be, surrounded by the people who can help me get where I want to go.” After the seminar, I went to a career counselor and discussed broadcast journalism job opportunities. I landed my first internship in Providence, Rhode Island for Channel 10 and built upon itself after that. The rest was history.”
Suit : Suit Supply
Shirt: Hugo Boss
Shoes : Salvatore Ferragamo
Be sure to take a listen to the dynamic duo podcast , Morning After with Ron & Alexa
Photos were taken by : blink_300m_photography