DashinglyTurnham x Hello_Francois
Today I'm collaborating with Hello_Francois, one of Dallas' top fashion/lifestyle bloggers to ask him JP's 3, photograph him & discuss why his outfit makes a fashment. I promise you we didn't mean to match hahaha.
JP's 3
Question 1: Whose closet would you like to raid and why?
“Hello_Francois : I would pick Adam Gallagher because he’s someone I get inspiration from. I’m curious to see his closet because he lives in NYC, so his space is probably small. ”
Question 2: Which city is the most stylish that you've lived in?
“Hello_Francois : I’m going to have to go with London because it’s one of the fashion capitals of the world. The Brits are aware of the latest trends and they love to dress up. Also, the weather is usually cold and foggy, so layering can be key to help make an outfit stand out. ”
Question 3: What's a current trend you love?
“Hello_Francois : I’m a fan of exposing the ankle trend, I think it’s sexy in a subtle way. I would recommend men and women to go to a tailor shop to get their pants hemmed allowing their ankle to be shown. ”
Oxford shirt: Uniqlo
Sneakers: Axel Arigato
Pant: Zara
Watch: Jord Wood Watches
Pouch: Delfonics
Belt: Purchased in French market
Photos taken by : blink_300m_photography